Accommodative Stance to Continue But Rate Cut Cycle is Stalled

Rates & Policy Stance Unchanged The RBI policy announcement has left the repo rate unchanged at 4%, and it has decided to continue with the accommodative stance of the policy as long as it is needed. This is quite in line with what market participants expected from the RBI. The potential for inflationary pressures has […]

Q2 GDP looks much better but no guarantee of improvement unless government spends more

The Indian economy contracted 7.50 percent in the second quarter of this financial year against a decline of 23.90 percent in the first quarter. Technically, the country is in a recession following two straight quarters of contraction but the slowdown is gradually easing. The gross domestic product (GDP) growth is at an 11-year low, compared […]

Oil Prices May Be Range Bound

Oil prices are hovering around the US$ 38-42 levels with an obvious downward bias, at present. This downward bias is the result of the rising COVID-19 infections throughout the US and the major countries of Europe. Except for China, the prospects of any rise in oil demand is more or less ruled out due to […]

Asset Movements Decide Currency Movements

As far as the US dollar is concerned a lot would depend on the US policies in the coming months as we quickly move past the US elections and the installation of a new government. While basic policies may not find any major shifts, there may be some modifications in the details. The approach towards […]

Gold Well Supported at Current Levels

Gold is currently trading at US$ 1880, and the price movements have been with a downward bias in  the last one month or so. This fatigue after a move above the US$ 2000 mark is attributed to a number  of factors. There has been selling by some central banks over the last two months. Central […]

Fixed Income: Stay at the Short End..

What is interesting about the fixed income market is that there have not been any major changes as such in the markets in the past one or two months. This means that there is quite a bit of stability in the rates and the market levels, and this position may not change drastically for another […]

China is Bouncing Back; US, Europe Lagging

China is bouncing back with a vengeance, from the contraction of 6.80% seen in the first quarter of this year, at the peak time of the pandemic. Economic growth has picked up very fast. China reported a GDP growth of 4.90% on a Y-O-Y basis, up from 3.20 % clocked in Q2 of this year. […]

Q2 GDP: What do we read into it?

India enters a technical recession with two consecutive quarters of economic growth contraction. The GDP contracted by 7.50% in Q2FY21, as against the 23.90% contraction seen in Q1. It is pertinent to note that the rate of GDP growth is at an 11-year low, as compared to 4.20% in 2019-20, and an expansion of 6.10% […]

Equities Rise & Rise

There is a disproportionate spotlight on developments overseas in the recent past, mainly in the light of the US elections. While we acknowledge some linkages, the primacy of local fundamentals in determining the direction of the markets cannot be stated enough. The most reasonable thing for investors to do is to focus on the good […]

Need pick-up in consumer demand and investment expenditure to believe things have turned around

Joseph Thomas, Head of Research at Emkay Wealth Management, feels the Q2FY21 earnings season has been a positive surprise for the markets, especially given the fact that the economy is coming out of a severe pandemic-led lockdown. “While the topline numbers may not look too encouraging, the EBITDA numbers reflect a different picture. The expected suppression […]

High Food Inflation Keeps Headline CPI Elevated

The CPI-based inflation maintained its upward momentum and surged further ahead; headline CPI inflation was reported at 7.61% for the month of Oct’20 as compared to 7.27% for the preceding month and 4.62% during the year ago period. The inflation numbers remained above the 7% mark for the second consecutive month. The elevated levels of […]

IIP: Back in Expansionary Zone

The IIP numbers reported expansion in industrial activity after witnessing contraction for six consecutive months. The IIP growth for the month of Sep’20 was reported at 0.2% as compared to -7.4% in the preceding month and 57.3% in the month of Apr’20. The growth number was healthy not only on a sequential basis but also […]

Gold Uptrend Intact But Likely To Test Support Levels…

The peak in gold prices at US$ 2067 coincided with the weakness in the US Dollar against the currency majors. But there has been some revival, though not significant, in the Dollar exchange rates, in the last one month. The correction in the gold prices to US$ 1850 levels too was in alignment with the […]

Equities Broadly Range-Bound, Tech And Banking In Focus…

The domestic economy has now come to the fag end of the lockdown era with more concessions granted to business entities to open their gates and start work. But the actual implementation of the liberalized scheme of things would depend very much on the state governments, as the intensity of the controls required from state […]

Long End, Market Willing To Buy But At Its Own Price….

The recent events point towards a gradual build-up of pressure at the long end of the curve. The devolvement at the government securities’ auctions is a clear indication of the markets’ fatigue in absorbing long dated papers at sub-6 % yields. It also means that across investor spectrum the feelings towards auctions is more or […]

Pandemic And Election Reign The Stage…

The pandemic and the ensuing presidential elections dominate the scene in the US, and Brexit is also gradually coming back as an issue in the UK and Europe. The second wave of the pandemic has hit a number of countries in Europe which is likely to disrupt their economies further whereas there are no signs […]

CPI Surges Ahead, Riding on High Food Inflation

The CPI based inflation surged further and was reported at 7.34% for the month of Sep’20 as compared to 6.69% for the preceding month and 3.99% during the year ago period. The inflation numbers have remained sticky above the 6% level and breached the 7% mark for the third time in CY2020. The elevated levels […]

IIP: Sixth Consecutive Month of Contraction

The IIP number remains in contractionary zone but continued its path to gradual recovery. The IIP contraction for the month of Aug’20 was reported at 8% as compared to 10.8% in the preceding month and 57.3% in the month of Apr’20. The pace of recovery has lost some steam, and this was largely expected as […]

RBI Policy Review: Accommodative with Liquidity Focus

In the monetary policy review, the RBI kept the repo rate unchanged at 4%, and all the other policy rates too, remain unchanged. The RBI will continue the accommodative stance of the policy for this financial year and into the next year depending upon the requirements of growth. The RBI policy that has been announced […]

Applying Phillips Curve to Fed’s inflation-unemployment equation

The growth-inflation dynamics as a guide to policymaking is undergoing changes in the context of the peculiar financial and economic conditions, which economies, and more particularly central banks, are facing currently. The Phillips Curve is probably becoming more relevant here. Developed by AW Phillips, the thesis is that inflation and unemployment are inversely related. With […]

REITs: A lucrative addition to an investment portfolio

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are a key consideration when formulating any equity or fixed-income portfolio. Let us understand why they provide greater diversification, potentially higher total returns and small overall risk. A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is structured like Mutual Funds (MF), in the sense that it allows pooling of investor money to […]

Product Note: NFO – Invesco India Focused 20 Equity Fund

Focused Equity Fund – An open-ended equity scheme predominantly investing in equity and equity related instruments. These schemes are mandated to invest in maximum 30 stocks and mention where the scheme intends to focus, viz., multi-cap, large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap. Invesco India Focused 20 Equity Fund Fund Details: Fund Manager – Mr Taher Badshah; he has […]

The Fed Statement & the Markets

The response of the markets to the Fed statement is no surprise. An extended period of low interest rates means three things, one, the current economic conditions are extremely distressful, two, the time taken for recovery is likely to be longer than expected, and three, an extended period of low growth. If a long-drawn struggle […]

CPI inflation sticky at 6% level…

The CPI based inflation was reported at 6.69% for the month of Aug’20 as compared to 6.73% for the preceding month and 3.28% during the year ago period. The inflation numbers have remained sticky at around 6% levels for the year 2020. The elevated levels of food inflation during the year been the major factor […]

IIP: Fifth Consecutive Month of Contraction

The IIP numbers continued to remain in contractionary zone and extended the streak to five months. The rate of contraction is not as severe as seen during the months of April and May (months with strict nationwide lockdown), but the pace of recovery has lost some steam. The localised lockdowns and restrictions have led to […]

SEBI Circular on Asset Allocation of Multi Cap Funds

What does the circular say? The circular states that, “In order to diversify the underlying investments of Multi Cap Funds across the large, mid and small cap companies and be true to label, it has been decided to partially modify the scheme characteristics of Multi Cap Fund.”Until now the funds under Multi Cap category were […]

Product Note: NFO – Mirae Asset Equity Allocator Fund of Fund

Mirae Asset Equity Allocator Fund of Fund – It is an open-ended fund of fund scheme predominantly investing in units of domestic equity ETFs. It seeks to provide investors with a broad exposure to large and mid cap equity segments by investing in the units of large cap and mid cap  equity ETFs. Investment Framework […]

GDP Growth contracts…the worst ever…

Registering a sharp contraction in economic growth, the GDP number for Q1 of 20-21, has come at -23.90%, a deep fall, the worst ever, which is the direct consequence of the pandemic and the lockdown. A fall close to -20 % was more or less expected by a number of market participants. Even with some […]

Weaker Dollar could be the start of a new trend.

After a prolonged period of strength, the US Dollar lost some ground against all major currencies in the recent weeks, a phenomenon witnessed after a long time. The weakness was more marked against the Euro, Pound Sterling, and the Japanese Yen. While the pandemic worsens in the US with no relief seen in the near […]

Gold surges amid gathering clouds

Gold price surged past the US$1900 level continuing its trend which has been intact since September 2019. While in the initial phases of the rally it was strengthened by the uncertainties around the global economy mainly emanating from the trade war between the US and China, and the reduction in the base rate in the […]

RBI Policy Update

STATUS QUO ON RATES Monetary Policy Committee of the RBI has left the base rates unchanged in the announcement today. This is on expected lines as the RBI was expected to maintain status quo and stress more on the accommodative stance, liquidity enhancement measures and restructuring of the loan portfolios. The cumulative reduction of policy […]

Equities reclaim much of the lost pre-pandemic ground…

The equity indexes have reclaimed, in the last two months, most of the losses from the pre-pandemic period. The rally has just happened close on the heels of a drastic fall, and therefore, it is only natural that the question of whether the rally is sustainable or not may come up from time to time. […]

Pandemic takes its toll, policy-orientation anchored to liquidity…

The FOMC meeting which concluded on July 29, kept the Fed Funds Rate, the key policy rate, anchored in the range of 0 to 0.25%. This was on expected lines. The FOMC statement clearly said, “The path of the economy will depend significantly on the course of the virus”. Apart from keeping the rates unchanged, […]

Food and Fuel inflation push headline numbers higher…

The availability of data improved in the month of July, as the data was available from 95% and 92% of the urban and rural centres respectively from the earmarked centres. The quality of numbers has thus improved and may find due consideration from the policy makers. The headline CPI based inflation was reported at 6.93% […]

Mere accumulation will not help wealth creation but investing wisely would

Financial freedom is an essential pre-requisite to realize the other freedoms in life, and also to make life more effective and meaningful to the society and the fellow beings. This constitutes the freedom to save, invest, create wealth, and enjoy its fruits, which embodies access to markets, products, appropriate government policies etc. Any deficiency in […]

RBI Policy Update

Status Quo on Rates Monetary Policy Committee of the RBI has left the base rates unchanged in the announcement today. This is on expected lines as the RBI was expected to maintain status quo and stress more on the accommodative stance, liquidity enhancement measures and restructuring of the loan portfolios. The cumulative reduction of policy […]

Should you reconsider investments given the current uncertainty?

COVID-19 has shaken up mankind in many ways, while on one hand there is actual loss of life, on the other is fear and avoidance, which will extract a huge economic toll. The obvious impact is on travel and tourism, entertainment, F&B, shopping malls, etc., the secondary impact would be on jobs and incomes. The […]

Equities racing ahead of economic realities

The equity indexes have moved up, covering a major part of the big fall, and this recovery is mainly  facilitated by a sense of optimism about the impending economic recovery. The numbers that we have seen from the last couple of months including the index of industrial production, the purchasing managers index, and the employment […]

Gold gliding at high altitude, likely to stay elevated

Gold at US$1760, is at a striking distance from the crucial US$1800 level. Given the factors that have been driving the prices, the likelihood of gold getting closer to that mark seems to be almost certain. What gives gold strength is the uncertainties in the global economy, the pandemic and the lockdown and the fall […]

Global economies prepare to face severe contraction in growth

One of the unique features of the current order of things is the proactive central bank initiatives to mitigate the financial distress in the economy and the markets. Central banks across the world resorted to use of non-conventional methods to combat this invisible yet powerful enemy. The most common and distinguishable feature of central bank […]

US $ remains the preferred destination

The US Dollar is holding well due to its safe-haven status, and this is mainly occasioned by the spread of the corona infections throughout the world and it does not seem to be abating at this point of time. Therefore, there is a preference for investors to hold on to dollar assets and currency. But […]

The veil of inflation does not pale the soft money policy…

The uncertain trajectory: Three months back as we had gone into the shutdown it was very clear that the trajectory of both growth and inflation would be uncertain. This has found expression in the statements from the RBI too on more than one occasion. This uncertainty is due to two factors, one, that due to […]

IIP: Third Consecutive Month of Contraction

The nationwide lockdown situation led to a contraction in IIP’s year-on-year growth numbers for the third consecutive month. After Apr’20, the lockdown continued in the month of May’20 as well. As such, it was expected that IIP numbers may continue to contract. The partial relaxation of lockdown measures led to easing in the pace of […]

India: Equity markets buoyant on lockdown reversal

GDP AND CORE SECTOR GROWTH NUMBERS The sluggishness in economic growth was a feature of the Q2 and Q3 numbers, and it was accentuated in Q4. So, the number was more or less expected to indicate a decline from 4.00% and 4.50% levels; the GDP growth has been reported at 3.10%. This number fully reflects […]

Global challenges remain unchallenged as yet.

CHALLENGES REMAIN MORE OR LESS THE SAME The challenges which the global economy has been facing since the outbreak of the pandemic continues to be unchanged and unresolved to a large extent. The pandemic itself has spread to new regions and has spread havoc in the US, and has affected India too, a major contributor […]

IIP: Factories Report Nil Production

The month of Apr’20 was in the eye of the pandemic storm and witnessed nationwide lockdown without any relaxations. As such, it was expected that IIP numbers may contract sharply. The assessment of the level of contraction varied across market participants. Many of the correspondents contributing to the IIP data reported “Nil” production for the […]

CPI: Food Inflation Remains Firm…

Given the lockdown conditions across the country, the headline CPI-based inflation numbers were not released for the month of May as well. The price data collection exercise has been in suspension since 19th Mar’20. The inflation data for only such commodities or services sub-groups was declared for which adequate trade data was available. Even as […]

Pandemic crushes economic growth like an empty tin can…

The data from the US reveals severe economic stress with 26 million people applying for unemployment benefits. This is about 15% of the US workforce. All the major indicators from retail sales to mortgages and industrial production, all point towards rapidly deteriorating economic conditions. This is the reality for the month of March, and April […]

Gold set to have a good day….

Gold has benefitted from the uncertainties in the global economy resulting from the spread of the pandemic. Uncertainties always give a push to gold prices as investors who flee excessive volatility take refuge in safe-haven assets like gold and dollar. Even otherwise, gold had a relatively good runduring course of the last one year mainly […]

The Market Podcast | D-Street welcomes stimulus measures but could retest lower levels

Tune into the Market podcast It has been a rollercoaster week for investors, but bears seem to have gained control once again. The Nifty50 fell 1.3 percent for the week ended May 15. The fine print of the Rs 20 lakh cr stimulus measures unveiled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is positive but, might not […]

Emerging Stars

The economic cycle follows a pattern of boom and bust; every boom period lays the foundation of down cycle and vice versa. A look at the economic history indicates that every single time the trigger points of a down trend have been fairly diverse, whether it be tech bubble, excesses or leverage of the financial […]

IIP: Growth Sees Sharp Contraction

The IIP growth witnessed a sharp contraction of 16.7% for the month of March 2020, as compared to 4.6% in the preceding month and 2.7% recorded during the year ago period. While street estimates expected a contraction in IIP growth, the actual numbers were worse than expectations. The corona virus pandemic affected the production facilities, […]

Food Inflation Spikes Amidst Lockdown…

The National Statistics Office (NSO) in its CPI press release, provided index numbers for select sub-groups whereas headline inflation numbers were not declared owing to nationwide lockdown hindering the process of data collection. The data collection activities have been suspended with effect from 19th Mar’20. The inflation data for only such commodities or services sub-groups […]

Government Borrowing Program

The GOI has revised the borrowing program for the current financial year from the original estimated gross market borrowing of Rs.7.80 lakh crore to Rs.12 lakh crore. The press release states that this revision is due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has two-pronged impact on government finances. The first is the revenue impact. The […]

No scope for bigger stimulus from govt, but RBI support to continue

The earlier the containment is achieved the better it is for economic activity to start and the repairs to be done at an early date. I do not see scope for any major measures coming from the government. The government finances do not permit much spending, Joseph Thomas, Head Of Research at Emkay Wealth Management […]

Product Note – Arbitrage Fund

Arbitrage Funds, Now? Most often the short-term investment landscape is dominated by overnight funds, liquid funds, and ultra-short tern funds. In the recent past due to volatility in the short-term rates some of these schemes except overnight funds have given occasionally negative returns. While such volatility may be a very short-lived phenomena, quite often the […]

The FT Event & After: A Crisis of Confidence

Further to the note titled, “Bond Funds: In the Light of Robust Processes”, from Bhavesh Sanghvi, CEO, Emkay Wealth, on the real issues, immediately after the FT Event, we are pleased to share this brief note on the consequences of this event for the near future. A Crisis of Liquidity? There is a liquidity glut […]

Brent, the barrel is set rolling…

It will be an understatement to say that oil prices have been volatile over the last two months. The prices have been broadly in between the US$ 40 and US$ 20 levels. The fundamental factors that have been at play for the oil economy has been the slowdown or sluggishness in the economies like China […]

RBI Fires its Second Salvo…

The RBI released a statement today wherein it provided its assessment of the current state of the economy and some additional measures to tide over the current situation. The announcements made today are part of the Governor’s statement and not an outcome of MPC meet. Assessment of the Economy: As per the RBI’s assessment, in […]

Equities: Perspectives and a Case for Investing

Macro Variables – Are they relevant now? The major macro variables that we look at to gauge the direction of the economy and the markets are GDP, IIP, CPI etc. But these variables may remain not very relevant in the immediate future as they may not be assessed or estimated properly due to lack of […]

Fixed Income & Bond Market:

Update & Perspectives The four major factors that are of consequence for the fixed income or bond market are the policy of the central bank or the official interest rate policy, the liquidity conditions in the interbank market, the government borrowing program and the inflation trajectory. Each factor is detailed in the following paragraphs, along […]

Easing Inflationary Pressures…

The CPI based inflation numbers eased for the second consecutive month; after touching a high of 7.59% in the month of Jan’20, the headline inflation number for the month of Mar’20 came in at 5.91%. The core inflation numbers too maintained an easing trend. The latest inflation numbers are an estimation, as data collection efforts […]

Here’s why succession planning is taking the center stage

In the wake of coronavirus, here’s why succession planning is taking the centre stage As the fear of Coronavirus sweeps the globe there is a rising fear among people to safeguard their family; and with a fierce financial panic, to preserve their wealth.  This is a temporary phenomenon, but people have become more wary of […]

Government Borrowing Program – H1 of 2020-21

The government borrowing program for the first half of 2020-21 has been announced. It is interesting to look at three features of the borrowing program from an investment perspective, that is the (i) spread of the borrowing program over H1 and H2, (ii) the maturity-wise concentration of the primary issues, and (iii) the month-wise distribution […]

Fully Accessible Route (FAR): The Pros & Cons

In the Union Budget for 20-21, several measures were proposed to enhance the breadth and depth of the markets which included greater access for overseas investors, introduction of ETFs, and access to infrastructure investments with a tax holiday. The RBI has announced enhanced limits for foreign investments in governments securities and corporate bonds, and also […]

RBI Policy: Unprecedented Times, Unprecedented Measures

The RBI had been cognizant of the economic conditions and cut policy rates during the course of 2019, but it maintained a slow and steady approach. Over the last few months, the RBI’s headroom for direct support to growth was restricted owing to spike in inflation numbers, resulting in the central bank focusing rather on […]

Antyodaya: Lifting the Daily Wage Earner and Others

There are some useful social welfare announcements from the Finance Minister this afternoon, focused on taking care of people who may be affected by the lockdown consequent to the pandemic. These measures should be understood in the correct perspective. These are not economic stimulus measures, but social welfare measures aimed at preserving the sustenance of […]

The Short-End Worries: Liquidity May Improve

In the last few weeks, we have witnessed unprecedented volatility across asset classes, resulting from the sharp sell-off amidst flight to safety, generated by the fears around the economic impact of the pandemic. Under normal circumstances, the risk-off sentiment leads to money flowing into avenues traditionally considered as safe haven, such as debt. But in […]

The Fed and the World: Policy Implications in Volatile Markets

THE FED ACTION The Fed has brought down the base rate to a range of 0% to 0.25%, bringing it back to the levels earlier seen during the recession of 2006-07. This coupled with the earlier cut of 0.50% is one of the deepest cuts the Fed has gone-in for in the recent history. The […]

Earnings, economic growth may take 4-6 quarters more to pick up: Emkay Wealth

There is always catching up between markets and earnings, and market often runs ahead of the rise in earnings, markets move on expectations of earnings growth. Alternate – ‘Market rally this year fully depend on economic growth, expect first green shoots of a revival over next 2 quarters’ Earnings growth is positively correlated to growth […]

As govt focuses on economic revival, these 5 themes can create wealth in 3-5 years

The green shoots of recovery are yet to come forth, and we believe that the process of economic recovery itself may run its course till early 2021. While we remain fairly bullish on the overall breadth of the markets, as a rising tide will lift all boats, there are a few segments that may perform […]

Performance Or Underperformance Of Funds – How Do You Identify It?

The best way to understand performance or underperformance is to understand the factors behind them. Performance is often equated with just plain returns, and therefore, the lack of performance or underperformance is the lack of returns. The measurement of performance is a relative study. On the very same lines, the definition of underperformance of a […]

Laziness and Laxity in making Wills

Contemporary human being works 24*7*365 days for some or the other activity. The major part of one’s life is spent earning a livelihood and improving one’s lifestyle. The journey of growing old is a process whereby one amasses experience, knowledge and wealth. The sour truth of growing old and dying one day can be made […]

Budget 2020: ‘Market may have already priced in a fiscal slippage of 30 bps’

Agriculture and allied primary activities, infrastructure, banking, and financial services, especially the non-banking sector, and auto are the sectors that may receive attention in the Budget, says Dr Joseph Thomas of Emkay Wealth Management. The market may have priced in a 30-bps slippage in the fiscal deficit but any deterioration above 50 bps may impact […]

Does your Will mention a guardian for your minor child?

The guardian cannot sell, transfer, gift or mortgage immovable assets without the court’s permission and court grants such permission only if it is necessary for the best interest of the child. Succession planning for minor children is a must. In the unfortunate event of demise of both the parents, a properly drafted Will would ensure […]

Succession planning for family-owned businesses: How to get it right

The succession of wealth is important and succession for family-owned businesses requires a careful transmission to ensure smooth continuity of business. A succession of a family business would involve the succession of its management and ownership, along with managing the expectations of the family members, which is very crucial element and cannot be ignored in […]

Sovereign rupee bonds: The issues that really matter

We have sufficient forex reserves to see us through the next six months of import bill payment but that is no insurance against foreign exchange risk. The budget announcement of issuing foreign currency- denominated sovereign bonds has attracted disproportionately high interest among economists and market participants alike. This interest is mainly because this is the […]

Gold should not be more than 5% of your portfolio

Gold has been moving up and from US$ 1,340 onwards, we have been suggesting exposure of not more than 5 percent of the portfolio to gold. The relative strength of the US dollar, fear of a global slowdown, probability of lower American interest rates and the bruising trade war between China and the US are […]

Deficient rainfall unlikely to result in negative equity returns

Historical data suggest that a deficient rainfall has not necessarily resulted in negative equity returns, Joseph Thomas, Head of Research, Emkay Wealth Management, said in an interview with Moneycontrol’s Kshitij Anand. Edited excerpts: Q: How should investors tread waters now and what are the triggers to watch for? A: In the budget, for the first […]

Smart money is moving towards banks, IT; PSU banks an attractive bet

While one may pick up all weather stocks mainly from the large-cap space, one needs to carefully choose stocks from across the rest of the market cap after considering various other relevant factors. The PSU banking space has become more inviting with efforts at further capitalisation, recognition of NPAs and mergers and consolidation, Joseph Thomas, […]

How to transfer assets to NRI children after your lifetime?

The main concern of parents having wealth in India with their children living abroad is, “How to transfer their wealth to them after their lifetime, especially when they won’t have the time to come to India for taking control over these assets and manage it after the lifetime of their parents.” The children prefer inheriting […]

How does one plan for succession of assets located in different countries?

How does one plan for succession of assets located in different countries? With globalisation, Indians have acquired assets in India and other countries. One can either prepare a single multi-jurisdictional will or separate situs wills for its succession. Both are valid. What is a separate situs Will? It is a Will that covers the assets […]

Trends In HNI Investments

Current offerings and HNI’s investment trends – A glimpse of what the Indian market has to offer for HNI’s Investment portfolios of typical HNIs consist mainly of the basic asset classes – equity and debt, and quite often, it stays like that for a long time due to the long investment horizons typical of such […]